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Art from the Building Series

The Proposal

The blue building (at night) motif became a favourite of mine for a while. I enjoyed the european feel of it all - becoming like a castle. This painting is another of the romance affirmations that you can see here

Here are links to the other images in this series

The Collective Art Piece



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"The Proposal" In Situ

Here is a few examples of this series of prints of the Building art in unique and personal decorative displays in homes

Would you like your image to be showcased in a webpage like this? Making vignettes (still life scenes around the home) is a trending and really fun thing to do - if you own any of my art and want to spend an afternoon creatively arranging objects around your home into a groovy photo shoot - I would love to see the pictures.

I have a few suggestions/guidelines on composition, lighting,texture ..etc that will help spark your creative juices - get sent a free download

Here are links to the other images in this series


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