
subscribe to enter

this competition is over - but you can still subscibe to Mandyevansartist to recieve groovy newsletters full of her latest art

or go to Mandys Home Page to find out what shes up to now



About Subscribing . About the Cards . More

About the Wildflowers

Western Australia is in full bloom right now. Home to some of the most beautiful and unique flowers in the world. A dry barren landscape suddenly becomes FULL of spectacular colour. So Artist Mandy Evans has been on a mission to hunt down the flowers, and recreate them into a series of 10 paintings of her favorite ones. You can see the completed paintings Mandy has done so far here.

About the #10paintingchallenge

If you were to put this hashtagged word ("#10paintingchallenge") into facebook, twitter or even google - it will bring up all of the photos Mandy has been uploading of the wildflower paintings as they are being created. This includes the early pencil sketches, coloured pencil studies, and the roughs of the initial painting - right up to the finished piece.You can follow Mandys progress on the paintings here

When 10 wildflowers are painted - they will become another series in Mandys body of work. Every month (or so) Mandy makes a new website about her art and sends the link out as a newsletter to her followers. Once completed these wildflower images will be the basis for the next website, with cards and prints being available.

About Subscribing

Arent you sick of seeing artists who do the same old thing. Every man and his dog can pick up a brush and call themselves an artist nowdays. Are you looking for something new and alive in art. Are you looking for THE REAL THING. Mandy is a REAL LIVE ARTIST.

The majority of practicing artists just repeat themselves - they do it for the money. They can call it a 'niche', they can say they are trying to master one thing, but the truth is - they do it for the money. And thats fair enough, because lets face it - we all have to eat. So if you make something that sells - keep selling it.

The problem is - when an artist wants to do something else, and experiment, it might not sell - and they might go hungry. So they are too scared to step out of the box and explore. They become mere artisans

WELL MANDY IS NOT ONE OF THOSE ARTISTS - SHE IS THE REAL THING. She has turned her back on a profitable business to break new ground. BECAUSE THATS WHAT IT TAKES. Mandy sold everything and moved to the desert - to discover something truly new - through using the artistic skills she has built up over the years and mixing it with digital technology.


By subscribing to Mandys newsletters you get to join a REAL ARTIST on a journey of discovery. Every month or so cutting edge artist Mandy Evans makes a new website to entertain you, but it also serves another purpose. She is learning how to make an undiscovered form of art out of this tecnology we are all learning and using right now.

Each month a website link is sent out as a newsletter. Generally they are themed around one of the limited edition prints, and introduce a series of work in that genre - there is a competition and new originals - but whats great about it , is that they are getting better and changing and growing JUST LIKE REAL ART DOES. And you can join in by giving her feedback.


If you have already subscribed to Mandys art it doesnt matter - put in your name and you will go into the draw - as well - there are more chances for you to enter the competition in the second chance page that will appear after you ENTER

About the Cards

Mandy will personally hand make the winner a set of cards from photographs of the original art once 10 paintings are finished.

The cards are a large c5 size (half the size of an a4 page), and make an impressive gift, especially good to have near christmas.

They are made using a spray glue on recycled card with a crystal archive photograph. Then they are individually wrapped with a c5 envelope.


What If You Have No Patience

If you cant wait to see if you will win, and just want to get sent some art (perhaps you love it - or know someone who might - and you could give it to them for a gift) - Then get this mini limited edition print simply by sharing Mandys art on social media.

share art for art


Until then you can see the progressions of the paintings stage by stage as they are happening on Mandys facebook page

Go to the facebook page