Limited Edition Prints and Sculptures
Mandy Has been a coloured pencil artist for over 30 years. She was drawn to the medium (haha) because of its ability to be taken everywhere and its safety around kiddies (as opposed to oil painting and acrylics). Pencils take a large degree of concentration and tenacity, which Mandy found peacful and soothing - It is common knowledge nowdays of the health benefits that can be provided by the mindful activity of drawing and now days Mandy puts her early black and white sketches on her facebook page - every now and then, free for other people to colour in
a coloured pencil drawing family portrait of me and my family including roger the dog. The original was drawn on a black leathercraft paper.
a daily routine that people have. A coloured pencil drawing.
Another daily routine people have is hanging out the washing. The original piece was drawn with coloured pencil on a black leathercraft paper.
Going Shopping is a limited edition print by Artist Mandy Evans - drawn with coloured pencils onto a leathercraft paper
a family day out when we were young. It is one of the people picture series. The original is a coloured pencil drawing on leathercraft paper.
this pencil picture is part of one of Mandys early works called 'building bridges' - which is all about going from being barren to being abundant and growth. This is the original bridge and there is another limited edition print available called the bridge three which is like a jungle
this pencil picture is part of one of Mandys early works called 'building bridges' - which is all about going from being barren to being abundant and growth. This is the abundant bridge and contains mandys family and friends. The original drawings of building bridges took seven years to complete
This coloured pencil picture is another example of the daily tasks in lives of people.
The spirits in the sky are watching over everybody while they travel through the journey of life. Occasionally one of them escapes from the sky in order to give the travelers a special helping hand. This was one of Mandys early pencil pictures and contains her family -including Roger the dog- walking along Curtis Bay in Dunsborough
This is a coloured pencil drawing of Mandys family in a boat sailing over the map of the area (Mandy had been working on a huge map artpiece at the time). The spirits in the sky surround them with good wishes and all is well.