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Art Workshop Books by Mandy

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an icon of the abstract patterns workbook an icon of the 3 bowls art instructional booklet an icon of the big watercolour art workshop book an icon of the abstract painting step by step workbook a collection of 3 abstract watercolour art workshop book icons in a bundle an icon of the new swatch painting step by step art workshop book

All Workshop Books come with Free Artisinal Watercolour Paint made by Mandy

And if there is a group for the book then you get that too!!!

Abstract Patterns
with free paint

Step One In the abstract watercolour and markmaking journey

Introduce yourself to modern contemporary markmaking patterns - Learn to create some gorgeous artwork of your own with an easy instruction booklet with matching videos, and informative emails

A step by step workshop book playing with hand made watercolour paint to create gorgeous abstract patterns

Perfect for a beginner and a great introduction to markmaking for your art

an example of the abstract watercolour patterns using botanical motifs on square watercolor wash shapes watercolour washes in a circlular format with abstract mark making shapes on them abstract watercolour patterns in pinks and blues many square watercolor wash shapes overlayed with white markmaking abstract patterns abstract mark making overlaying darker watercolour wash circles earthy indigeous pattwrns on top of hues of ochres in watercolour

find out more

3 Bowls Workshop Book
With free paint and a Private Group

Step Two In the abstract watercolour and markmaking journey

Dive deeper into the pleasure of watercolour paint and markmaking

Three Bowls takes it to the next level with a looser wetter approach in 3 awesome exercises designed to teach you powerful new techniques while creating beautiful unique art

Its an easy step by step instruction booklet with matching videos, informative emails and a private 3 Bowls Facebook group

purple and green watercolour stripes blue and purple circles covered in modern abstract patterning abstract botanical watercolour leaves in magenta and sea green magenta and purpled watercolor wash lined decorated with markmaking a nuetral coloured painting of balancing rocks patterned with simple shapes and patterns abstract botanical nuts and leaves in sage green with red highlights

check out the book

*new* Big Watercolour Workshop Book *new*
With free paint and a Private Group

Step Three In the abstract watercolour and markmaking journey

Just released - this is where we GROW and EXPAND our skills and art

With pouring, dripping, scratching and experimenting - we take baby steps toward our goals

Its an easy step by step instruction booklet with matching videos, informative emails and a private Big Watercolour Facebook group

purple and green watercolour stripes blue and purple circles covered in modern abstract patterning abstract botanical watercolour leaves in magenta and sea green magenta and purpled watercolor wash lined decorated with markmaking a nuetral coloured painting of balancing rocks patterned with simple shapes and patterns abstract botanical nuts and leaves in sage green with red highlights

check out the book

Swatch Painting Workshop Book
With free paint and a Private Group

This new workbook is the perfect companion in the abstract watercolour and markmaking journey

- encouraging you to explore colour more deeply -

while creating a gorgeous wabi sabi markmaking artwork.

You can chop up old not quite right studies and recycle them ...

and there is a great instruction to show you how to frame your art without a picture framer - that looks GREAT

watercolour washes in a circlular format with abstract mark making shapes on them abstract watercolour patterns in pinks and blues abstract mark making overlaying darker watercolour wash circles many square watercolor wash shapes overlayed with white markmaking abstract patterns abstract mark making overlaying darker watercolour wash circles

check out the book

With free paint and Private Groups

The Art Garden Includes all theses groups and more

This is a yearly subscription group, that houses everything

and its where Mandy creates all her new courses and groups - where there is a focus on acrylic abstract painting, and the general principles of abstract paintings - there are specials and discounts available only to art gardeners - and courses that will only ever be available in the art garden

And there is a special "Abstract Painting" step by step instruction booklet with matching videos, for joining the Art Garden Facebook group

purple and green watercolour stripes an example of the abstract watercolour patterns using botanical motifs on square watercolor wash shapes abstract botanical watercolour leaves in magenta and sea green magenta and purpled watercolor wash lined decorated with markmaking a nuetral coloured painting of balancing rocks patterned with simple shapes and patterns abstract botanical nuts and leaves in sage green with red highlights

check out the group


With free paint and Private Groups

Get all 3 books and as a bonus you also get a free years subscription into the Art Garden

Get the entire Abstract Watercolour System

3 Books - Abstract Patterns, 3 Bowls and Big Watercolour
The 2 groups - 3 Bowls and Big Watercolour
free paint
and entry into the Art Garden Group

thats $331 seperately

purple and green watercolour stripes an example of the abstract watercolour patterns using botanical motifs on square watercolor wash shapes abstract botanical watercolour leaves in magenta and sea green magenta and purpled watercolor wash lined decorated with markmaking a nuetral coloured painting of balancing rocks patterned with simple shapes and patterns abstract botanical nuts and leaves in sage green with red highlights

pay $180 aud